Monday UP – I am… THE VINE
Everyone searches for connection. Jesus promises that when we are connected to Him, He will give us joy and satisfaction. So, how can we connect to Him?
//Kažoý touží někam patřit. Ježíš přislíbil každému, kdo k němu patří život v radosti a spokojenosti. jak se tedy napojit na něj?
Jesus is everywhere in our society. we count on the calendar how many years it has been since He was born, our biggest holiday celebrates his birth, and there is a church in every village. But what do you really know about Jesus?
//na ježíše narazíte na každém kroku. letopočet začíná jeho narozením, I náše největší svátky jsou o něm, každý den řeknete několikrát jeho jméno, v každé vesnici najdete kostel,… Ale co doopravdy o něm víte?

Games, worship, and Bible study in English with Czech translation
Games, worship, and Bible study in English with Czech translation